As a show of support for America’s Law Enforcement Officers, Mossy Oak is proud to introduce S.O.L.E. – Sportsmen Organized for Law Enforcement. The goal of Sportsmen Organized for Law Enforcement is to raise awareness and funds that will be divided equally among three existing 501(c)(3) organizations that already know where help is needed. Those organizations are Below 100, Spirit of Blue Foundation and Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.).
Below 100’s mission is to reduce line-of-duty police deaths to fewer than 100 per year by eliminating preventable line-of-duty police deaths and serious injuries through compelling common-sense training designed to focus on areas under an officer’s control.
The Spirit of Blue Foundation focuses on enhancing officer safety through granting safety equipment to law enforcement agencies across the country that lack the necessary funding to properly outfit their officers.
C.O.P.S. provides support for families when a law enforcement officer is tragically killed in the line of duty. C.O.P.S. provides financial benefits, services, emotional support for as long as the survivors and co-workers need it. Unfortunately, the numbers of families needing services continues to grow each year.
“No group of people is more giving or grateful for those that serve for our safety than outdoors men and women. The outdoors industry has always stepped up to lead the charge in conservation and will no doubt get involved to help the great people of law enforcement and let them know that we support them and appreciate what they do every day,” said Toxey Haas, founder and CEO of Mossy Oak. “In the coming weeks and months, Haas Outdoors will put the marketing experience of Mossy Oak behind this effort. We hope to make S.O.L.E. as well known in the outdoors arena as possible. I predict the response from these great people and companies will be swift and generous.”
For more information on Sportsmen Organized for Law Enforcement and the charities to be benefitted, go to Donations for S.O.L.E. are made through CREATE Foundation, a 501(c)(3) community foundation established to aid in the collection of charitable funds. For donation options go to